Farewell Mercy Wings

The final week or so in Guyana has been quite busy, what with wrapping things up and saying goodbye to people. I taught my last two classes at Mercy Wings; sadly one was hampered by blackout but the final session was a practical assignment so both classes merged on the final day to finish everything off. The beginner's class had to type a letter in a certain font, properly formatted and with a bit of bold and italics thrown in. This took them quite a while but fortunately everyone just about finished and I managed to get one of the printers working so they all had a tangible outcome. The intermediate class had to produce a PowerPoint presentation including clip-art and a graph they had created in Excel which included a formula. Not everyone managed to use a formula but all the presentations were done and printed in handout form.

Later in the week I was invited back to Mercy Wings where a little ceremony was held for me and I was presented with a mug, pen and card and most importantly was given some food - pholouri and cake which was perfect given I was just getting hungry. A number of the staff said a few words thanking me and I presented certificates to those who completed the course. I only hope that they continue to use the IT facilities, and if I can I will try and get another volunteer sent to them to spend more time and really move on the IT work at Mercy Wings and Sophia in general.