Henry in Guyana!
In September 2008 I began planning what would become the adventure I am about to depart for: a six month volunteering trip to Guyana. I decided that after a number of years of following a fairly standard path through school and university it was time for a serious adventure, and so the project was born.

I began working with a small charity in London called the Daneford Trust, who whilst advertising it had projects in Guyana had yet to actually set one up! As a result I am now the guinea pig which I am very happy to be. I chose a volunteering project over classic "travelling" because I wanted the opportunity to live in and understand the country rather than just passing through. Hopefully six months will be long enough to do this (although I hear that such adventures can be addictive).
Fundraising went well with a number of contributors making a big difference to my project. Planning the project however was a little more tricky. With no (known) family there and few links, it took a long time for anything to materialise. However in the past few weeks a lot has happened; I have been put in touch with St. Stanislaus College in Georgetown (the capital) and I'm heading out there to help with their IT teaching and infra-structure. To be honest I won't know exactly what will happen there until I arrive, however they teach Computer Science at A level and have a broadband internet, so things must be quite good. I guess I'll find out when I get there!
This blog will serve as a log and a way of communicating how my adventures go. I plan to update it at least every week or two. Watch this space...